Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Whoop Whoop! It's post number one!

Here goes... well it's our first official Room 9 blog post.  How cool is that?!  Check out our first official class photo too!  Spot Mrs Bell - she scaled that web as fast as Spiderman, leaving Room 9 children wide eyed in amazement... well alright, maybe a little exaggeration, but what counts is that Mrs Bell was brave enough to climb to the top!

We are very lucky indeed to have our senior playground all finished and ready to play on.  Mr Peart paid our classroom a visit this morning to help us think about how we can play on our playground safely and responsibly.  We are also encouraged to show caring towards others by not hogging the equipment and letting everyone have an enjoyable experience.  A fantastic reminder just in time for our turn on the playground... and the general consensus is that our playground is AWESOME and that we want to keep enjoying it!

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