Sunday, August 16, 2015

Kidblog - our blogging platform for individual blogs

Our class has signed up to Kidblog which is a safe, supervised platform for children to have their own blogging account.  To access their blogs, visit TeamMrsBell's blog page.
This page shows a list of the children's blogs.  

For students to access their blog accounts: select login, on the top, right hand corner. A list of students' first names will appear. Students just need to select their name and enter a password to get to their individual blog pages. There, they may read posts, start a new blog post or leave a comment on someone else's blog. Users must be logged in to view or create posts and comments.  As we are beginning our individual blogging journey, posts will not be public at this stage, but can be read by classmates, other classes we connect to, and also parents once you have joined via an access code.
If you would like access, you will need to sign up via an access code.  Once your child logs in, choose Control Panel and the icon for Profile. You will see a line that says Parent Code. If you press the Regenerate button, it will give you a code. Log out of your child's account and go to the main Kidblog page and choose the Parents button. Enter your code and create a username and password. Please let me know if you need assistance with this. We would love to have parents participate in our blogging.

All blog entries are first sent to me, as moderator. I will assist with editing if necessary, and approve entries before they post.  Please let me know if you have questions. I'm looking forward to reading our student blogs!

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